1. How Long is shipping & tracking ?

Shipping is 3-4 business days and you will receive your tracking number via the email you provide during checkout.

(Due to COVID-19 shipments may be delayed through postal service).

2.  How long is processing ?

Processing is 5 business days from the day purchased which includes handling of the product. We ensure the highest quality so hair must go through a inspection before being sent to the customer.

Orders are not processed over weekends or holidays. 

Credit Card Information must match shipping information in order for your order to be processed. Failure to do so will result in a cancelled order . 

3. Who is the Carrier For my purchase?

All orders will be shipped by USPS only. RAHC is not responsible for mishandled packages. Once the shipment has reached the facility. Please direct concerns to your local USPS . 

4. Any Questions regarding orders please email:

  [email protected]

Please allow 48-72 Hours for a response.